Transcriptions for this episode of the podcast.

New Year 2024 Episode Description: Timil introduces Sacred Time Keeper as an archetype for shifting into deeper embodiment, fulfillment, and a nourishing life of overflo. The 2024 Wisdom Workshop Bundle is available now. The Preorder code expires 12/22.

Tap, tap. Is this thing on? Welcome to the overflo podcast. I’m Timil and I’m your host. If you’re tuning in for the first time, welcome. If not, welcome BACK. It’s been a long time. I’m so happy to be here. I MISSED THIS. Before I dive into this episode is brought to you by overflo’s 2024 Wisdom Workshop and Readings. When you preorder with the code STRENGTH20 you’ll get 20% off, and access to all of the 2023 Year Ahead Readings to support your year-end reviews. Everyone who enrolls will get access to an on-demand workshop led by me, where I’ll go over the channeled themes of the year ahead and an in-depth month-by-month energy preview. You’ll also get access to video readings for each sign, and chile EVERYTHING I said would happen for Cancers in the 2023 year ahead reading happened. Y’all loved them and found them really helpful, and I LOVE DOING THEM, so I brought them back this year. You can pre-order the 2024 Wisdom Workshop Bundle now with the code STRENGTH2024 - the link is in the podcast description.

Part of the reason we’re starting the first episode of this season with Sacred Time Keeping is because of where we are in the calendar year at the time of this recording, but it’s also a reflection on WHY I haven’t been creating in a way that feels so good to me. Time really keeps on slipping and I want to talk about the way it passes us by and why it can feel so jarring to wake up and be 2 years since your last podcast episodes for instance. So if you’re like me, and there’s a project or a goal you’ve been neglecting (STRONG WORD I KNOW), or you’re looking to start incorporating more activities in your day-to-day that honor your desires and leave you feeling fulfilled this episode is for you.

Part of the reason we’re starting the first episode of this season with Sacred Time Keeping is because of where we are in the calendar year at the time of this recording, but it’s also a reflection on WHY I haven’t been creating in a way that feels so good to me. Time really keeps on slipping and I want to talk about the way it passes us by and why it can feel so jarring to wake up and be 2 years since your last podcast episodes for instance. So if you’re like me, and there’s a project or a goal you’ve been neglecting (STRONG WORD I KNOW), or you’re looking to start incorporating more activities in your day-to-day that honor your desires and leave you feeling fulfilled this episode is for you.

As a mom, the idea that time is on fast forward really comes into play when I look at my kids, or I revisit old pictures, especially on birthdays or holidays and in that moment I feel like I’ve been robbed, when the reality is the day to day of raising them was grueling, and required a ton of presence on my end. I was there for every bit of it. So what I’ve realized is what triggers me in their reflection, is that I’m subconsciously asking my Self “How have I grown in all this time? What do I have to show for the years?” This is where we start to engage with emotions that can be unhelpful at the least and harmful at the worst if we don’t do the work of alchemizing them into medicine.

What we can do when we start ruminating, especially around this time of year, is begin to tell ourselves how things will be different next year. But what’s motivating us is a feeling of failure and disappointment. I do believe that radical acceptance is necessary to create change, but overwhelming ourselves with lists when we already don’t know where our time is going or feel out of control can keep us in a loop. As an energy worker, one thing I know to be true is how we think about something so I want to offer us some subtle mindset shifts.

Now if you're a task list babe, looking at you Virgo, this is not a knock-on lists. What I’m saying is we can busy our Selves to facilitate the illusion of creativity and fulfillment. The rewards that productivity gives our brain are temporary and can be shallow especially if they are driven by unchecked programming rooted in capitalism and usefulness. So I want us to reframe “Making the best use of your time.” and getting the most done, to getting what matters most done. We’re not just bad at managing our time and to create a sustainable shift in our lives we have to be honest with ourselves about how we feel, what we’re grieving, what we’re angry about, and what we desire. It’s Self-abandonment that keeps us stagnant. It’s Self-sacrifice that keeps us doing more for others while ignoring our wants and needs. It’s emotional dishonesty that keeps us miserable, and if we lie to ourselves about how not having completed or experienced something makes us feel we may even start to point fingers everywhere except the places we’re avoiding.

That’s a drag and a read, I know. I was talking to myself before I started writing and recording this episode. But I deeply believe that creating a self-concept of being a Sacred Time Keeper is some really powerful archetype work that can permanently anchor us into accountability and Self-responsibility. At least in this incarnation anyway.

A few things I do to help me be a sacred timekeeper are:

1) Giving myself deadlines. Deadlines don’t create a sense of urgency for me. They give me a sense of spaciousness. When something isn’t arbitrarily out there as a thing to be done I immediately feel like that thing is less of a burden or a whimsical fantasy that lives only in my Pisces moon imagination. Now trust, because I’m a water sign those deadlines are fluid AF lol. But they ground me.

2) Another thing I do is share something that’s near completion with y’all. That’s because I’m driven by agreements, devotion, and relational responsibility. And while I SHOULD just be completely motivated by keeping promises to myself, your girl is still a work in progress and this is what works for me. I know that for a lot of reasons we should not share something that is just in an idea stage, something we’re still considering, or something that needs protecting. But for something that is just waiting on finishing touches, I recommend sharing. For you, this might not be sharing a project with an audience, but it could look like telling a Beloved that you’re going to send them a picture of your completed bookshelf in 2 days. For more complex and long-term goals that might look like getting an accountability partner, and maybe a coach.

Another practice I’m trying to live by right now to honor my role as Sacred Time Keeper is observing Quantum Energetics. This is a theory coined and taught by my friend Sanyu Estelle. In it, she talks about the difference between time space, and space-time. I am not going to be able to break it down the way she does BUT in essence, space-time is where we are in such deep presence and joy in what it is we’re doing that the practical implications of time-space don’t have as much impact on our physical experience. This means we end up feeling less run down, and more lit up by life. My biggest takeaway and a very gross oversimplification of her teaching is that the more we align ourselves with what it is we want to be doing, the more we’ll feel like we’re experiencing what we’re meant to be experiencing.

3) A book that helped me get into my Sacred Time Keeper bag is Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals. I listened to it as an audiobook at the beginning of 2023 and I’ll be revisiting it this year. It got me in my feelings in the best way and helped facilitate some radical honesty. It’s a powerful grounding reality check. What resonated with me the most was a concept the author, Oliver Burkeman calls deep time. It’s very complementary to what Sanyu teaches about space-time in Quantum Energetics. I highly recommend it, so get into it.

Whewwww we made it to the end of the first episode of this season y’all. Something new I’m introducing is extended podcasts. In the extended podcast, we’ll talk more about how I’m moving through this season of reflection. I’ll also give guidance on what it looks like to embody the role of Sacred Time Keeper. I’ll pull some cards and get some timeless messages for navigating our relationship to time, the limitations we must accept, and our perceived and actual restrictions. I’ll provide some coaching contemplations to help you make the necessary shifts. So if this episode resonated with you I invite you to become a starshine member on and you’ll get access to the extended, and other bonuses. This subscription is our version of Patreon and Substack, but it’s our own private multimedia platform. Thank you so much for listening. It’s good to be back. This episode continues in the extended.

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